The hallmark qualities of this system are personal care and continuity. This freely access system aims to maintain and indeed increase the "horizontal" investment in whole person care rather than "vertical" investment in treating symptoms and diseases widely applied.
Apart from all the services available on the website including the facility for parent created files, follow up of the immunizations update, follow up of physical growth and mental development, the website provides relevant updated information important for your child.
If you still have a specific question not addressed, kindly send your question to us whenever you want. You will receive your answer within 24 hours. If too many questions are received in one day, you will receive a message of saturation. You can shift to phone mobile service then if you are in a hurry.
Your Baby checkup
what are the vaccinations that he should have taken until now?
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Beverly Hills
El Tagamo3
Al Sheikh Zayed
02- 38514031