Proper weight gain is the sign that your baby is having enough milk. Not crying and not comparing with other kids ||Plan for regular family meals. Enjoy being together as a family and give a chance for everyone to decompress from the day ||The more you help your toddler put his feelings into words (“I’m mad. I want the truck.” “I’m sad. I can’t find my bear.”), the less they will show aggressive behaviour. ||Toddler's appetite may change almost daily. Let her be the judge of how much she needs and wants to eat. ||Bathe baby for no more than ten minutes in warm water especially if he shows signs of skin eczema. ||Until your baby is 6 months old, he'll get all the hydration he needs from breast milk or formula, even in hot weather ||Dealing with slow learners needs special guidance. Find some simple tips in our articles section. ||Always keep the number of Poison Centre posted beside your phone ||Make sure the highchair has a wide base, good fit, adjustable secure straps. Consider a post between the child's legs. ||2- Breastfeeding your new baby ...Breast milk provides all the nutrients that babies need for the first six months of their life and guards against many illnesses and allergies. Also, breastfeeding can help build a special closeness with your baby. Breastfeeding is one of the best things you can do for your baby. ||
Phone service

The hallmark qualities of this system are personal care and continuity. This easy access system should maintain and indeed increase the "horizontal" investment in whole person care rather than "vertical" investment in treating symptoms and diseases widely applied.


Call 2356, you will be given the choice of language Arabic or English. Then, you will enter into menus comprising the commonest childhood complaints and advices according to the latest scientific guidelines reviewed by Dr. Wael Lotfy. You can repeat, skip, return to the previous menus.


If you are not satisfied at any point you can contact the doctor directly by pressing 0. The doctor in charge has a minimum qualification of a master degree in pediatrics; however, if you are not satisfied yet with the answers given; you can ask for the opinion of the supervisor pediatrician. The doctor in charge will either transfer you immediately to the supervisor or call you back when your questions are answered.

Home Visit Service

Your Baby checkup

Is my child developing normally?
what are the vaccinations that he should have taken until now?
Generate a report for my baby.
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21 Batal Ahmed Abdel Aziz St, 3rd floor





Beverly Hills

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Beverly Hills, Building 29 services, behind Super Market Al Mokhtar, floor 1.




El Tagamo3

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Elegantry Mall, Unit 221

01000012800 01000884592

Al Sheikh Zayed

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Al Sheikh Zayed - Entrance 2,Downtown Mall - In-front of Spectra ,First Floor - Clinic 113


02- 38514031


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