Contact the doctor if your newborn isn't gaining weight, wets fewer than six diapers a day or shows little interest in feedings ||Reading aloud will help your baby be a better reader when she's older ||Never pick up your infant by the hands or wrists as this can put stress on the elbows. Lifting under the armpits is the safest way ||Ask your baby's doctor about vitamin D supplements for the baby, especially if you're breast-feeding ||Plan for regular family meals. Enjoy being together as a family and give a chance for everyone to decompress from the day ||Make sure your baby wears a hat if she will be in a cold environment ||Look for early signs of hunger, such as stirring and stretching, sucking motions and lip movements. Fussing and crying are later cues ||Dealing with slow learners needs special guidance. Find some simple tips in our articles section. ||Set aside time for your partner and share what's happening in each other's life ||Excessive warmth and overdressing are as harmful as cold weather. Temperature inside your home should not exceed 23 degrees ||

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the lining of the bronchial tubes, the airways that connect the trachea to the lungs. This delicate, mucus-producing lining covers and protects the respiratory system (the organs and tissues involved in breathing).


Acute bronchitis is usually caused by viruses, and it may occur together with or following a cold or other respiratory infection. Germs such as viruses can be spread from person to person by coughing. They can also spread if you touch your mouth, nose, or eyes after coming into contact with respiratory fluids from an infected person.

Children being around tobacco smoke, chemical fumes, and other air pollutants for long periods of time puts them at risk for developing chronic bronchitis.


Acute bronchitis often starts with a dry, annoying cough that is triggered by the inflammation of the lining of the bronchial tubes. Other symptoms may include:

§  cough that may bring up thick white, yellow, or greenish mucus

§  shortness of breath

§  feeling of tightness in the chest

§  wheezing (a whistling or hissing sound with breathing)

§  fever (usually mild)

§  headache

§  generally feeling ill

§  chills

Doctor's Instructions

§  Importance of immunization against pertussis, diphtheria, and influenza

§  Avoid passive environmental tobacco smoke, avoid air pollutants (such as chemical fumes)

§  Obtain medical attention for prolonged respiratory infections

§  Drink more liquids which help keep air passages moist and help cough up mucus.

§  Get more rest

§  Eat healthy foods including fruits, vegetables, breads, and protein (such as chicken, fish, and beans). Dairy products (such as milk, cheese, and ice cream) can sometimes increase the amount of mucus your body makes.

§  Use a humidifier may help decrease the cough.

§  Children may attend school or daycare without restrictions except during episodes of acute bronchitis with fever

Contact the doctor if

§  Your child has a fever.

§  Your child breathing problems do not go away or get worse.

§  Your child cough does not get better with treatment.

§  Your child coughs up blood.

§  You have questions or concerns about your babies condition.

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Elegantry Mall, Unit 221

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Al Sheikh Zayed - Entrance 2,Downtown Mall - In-front of Spectra ,First Floor - Clinic 113


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