The pacifier’s guard or shield should have ventilation holes so the baby can breathe if the shield does get into the mouth ||Don't forget to watch what you say and do around your child: Imitation is one of the ways toddlers learn socially acceptable behavior. ||Breastfeeding releases Oxytocin which causes contractions of the uterus, helping to stop hemorrhage and initiating weight loss ||Set aside time for your partner and share what's happening in each other's life ||Do not postpone your baby’s vaccines unless he is sick or feverish ||Children who gain weight quickly during their first six months are more likely to be obese or at risk of obesity by age 3 ||For protecting young children during summer months, apply sunscreen at least 30 minutes before going outside ||Proper weight gain is the sign that your baby is having enough milk. Not crying and not comparing with other kids ||2- Breastfeeding your new baby ...Breast milk provides all the nutrients that babies need for the first six months of their life and guards against many illnesses and allergies. Also, breastfeeding can help build a special closeness with your baby. Breastfeeding is one of the best things you can do for your baby. ||Don't let your baby nap in the car seat after you're home as a substitute for crib since it's harder for young babies to breathe in that position. ||
Children and sharing

Do you think your child is selfish? He refuses to share toys with his sibs, and his friends? He goes mad when someone attempts to touch something of his own?

Understanding the problem:

Sharing is not an inborn trait; children learn to share by time, as they grow. Life situations and experiences also help them learn to share; you also have a very important role.

At what age children learn to share?

Children till the age of three to four years are not expected to share things easily, it will take lots of effort to make them able to do that.


Recent study involving children at the age of 3-4 years revealed that only 8.7% of them were able to share things with other children. On the other hand, 45% of children aged 7-8 years were able to share things like candies with others in the same study. As children grow they learn how to be fair, and they believe more in equality, and so become more able to share things.


Generally at any age children prefer to share things with children they know, like their friends, relatives, and children of the same school, rather than with strangers.


Children having no sibs are more able to share things than children having sibs. The presence of another child at the house elicits more problems about sharing.


How can you help your child learn about sharing?

-You should not tell him he is selfish when he refuses to share, instead you should tell him that you are not happy with the way he behaved like the way he fought or the way he screamed.


-You should teach him to respect the other's privacy and to ask 1st before playing or burrowing someone else's property. You should also understand that the child is not expected to share everything he's got. If a toy or an item of clothing belongs to the child he is not expected to share it unless he wants to do.


-If the kids are fighting for a toy, put it away and let them know they can't have it back unless they learn how to share it.


-You can use family meetings to discuss with children their feelings about sharing, and teach them how to share things for example by rotating popular family toys like video games between them.


-You have to teach them that sharing is not only about toys and things, it's also about feelings and ideas.


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