Infants raised on breast milk tend to score higher on tests of mental development than those on formula ||Don't allow your pet on the couch while you are holding baby. This makes dogs bigger and taller in relation to your infant and may encourage aggression. ||Children who gain weight quickly during their first six months are more likely to be obese or at risk of obesity by age 3 ||When giving suspension or liquid medicines, use the dosage cup enclosed in the package or a syringe ||If your child's scalp is very crusty, put some baby oil or olive oil on the scalp 1 hour before washing to soften the crust ||Most newborns need eight to 12 feedings a day — about one feeding every two to three hours ||Breastfeeding releases Oxytocin which causes contractions of the uterus, helping to stop hemorrhage and initiating weight loss ||Until your baby is 6 months old, he'll get all the hydration he needs from breast milk or formula, even in hot weather ||For protecting young children during summer months, apply sunscreen at least 30 minutes before going outside ||When your infant is carried, he should be oriented toward the carrying adult ||
Foods causing disturbing or embarrassing side effects

Can freshly harvested or just cooked food cause side effects? Yes. Food may cause side effects.

However, it doesn't mean that you should avoid the food represented on this list. Most side effects do not occur in everyone and they occur not every time you eat such food. And besides that, the significance of most foods (especially fruits, vegetables and even chocolate) outweighs the possible side effects they may cause.

Here is a list of disturbing or embarrassing side effects that may be caused by food.

Bad Breath
These foods have odors which are picked up by the blood system and are exhaled through the lungs up for several days after a meal. These foods are:

  • Onions / Garlic / Cabbage / Curry / Alcohol / Dairy foods (in lactose intolerant persons) / Sugars

Body Odor
According to research, red meat and processed foods consumption has a negative impact on body odor attractiveness.

Gas, Flatulence, Abdominal Bloating
Most foods that contain carbohydrates can cause gas. By contrast, fats and proteins cause little gas. Foods that commonly cause gas are:

  • Raffinose containing foods - beans, cabbage, broccoli, asparagus, whole grains
  • Lactose containing foods - milk, cheese, ice cream, salad dressing
  • Fructose containing foods - onions, artichokes, pears, wheat
  • Sorbitol containing foods -apples, pears, peaches
  • Starches - potatoes, corn, (Rice is the only starch that does not cause gas)
  • Foods high in fiber - oat bran, wheat bran

Frequent Urination
Many foods high in vitamin C have natural diuretic properties and can lead to frequent bathroom visits.

  • Water-melon / Melon / Cranberry juice / Cucumbers / Asparagus / Eggplant / Anise / Lemon / Cabbage

High-carbohydrate, low-protein combination is thought to increase the availability of tryptophan to the brain, which helps it make more melatonin and serotonin. The following foods may produce sleep-inducing effect:

  • Dairy products: cottage cheese, cheese, milk
  • Soy products: soy milk, tofu, soybean nuts / Honey / Almonds / Banana / Whole grains / Beans / Rice / Oatmeal / Hummus / Lentils / Hazelnuts / Peanuts / Avocado / Sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, flaxseeds / Papaya

Foods that are high in saturated fat and trans fatty acids increase the sebum production in the body, which in turn increases acne.

  • Dairy products / Milk / Cheese / Cream
  • White sugar / White flour (white bread, french bread pasta, puffed wheat)
  • Jelly beans / Waffles, wafer biscuits / Potato / Cornflakes / Doughnuts
  • Foods with high salt content / Pre-packaged puddings / Pretzels / Crackers
  • Canned soups, stews or vegetables

Memory & Cognition Impairment
Foods linked to memory and cognition problems are:

  • Saturated and trans fats / High cholesterol food / Organ meats (liver, kidneys) / Shellfish


  • Salty foods - bacon, ham, sausages, beef burgers, smoked fish, pickled foods, salted nuts
  • Fatty foods / Spicy foods / Sugary foods and drinks (candy, chocolate, pastry)

Yellow Skin Pigmentation (Carotenemia)
High levels of beta-carotene can cause a yellowish discoloration of the skin, most noticeable on the palms and soles. Unlike jaundice, carotenemia does not cause yellowing of the whites of the eyes. Foods containing high amounts of beta-carotene are:

  • Carrots / Squash / Sweet potatoes / Peaches / Apricots / Citrus fruits / Spinach

Tooth Staining

  • Coffee / Tea / Cola / Red wine / Berries / Curry

Probably the most well-known nausea-causing "food" is alcohol, especially if overused. Other foods that may cause nausea are:

  • Dairy products (Lactose intolerance) / Yeast / Wheat products (Gluten intolerance)

If you where cooking something with onions, you probably know what this is. You slice an onion and shed tears as a result.

Press here to check foods causing health related side effects

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