The sun is the most important source of Vit D ||Proper weight gain is the sign that your baby is having enough milk. Not crying and not comparing with other kids ||Dealing with slow learners needs special guidance. Find some simple tips in our articles section. ||Make sure the highchair has a wide base, good fit, adjustable secure straps. Consider a post between the child's legs. ||The AAP recommends sponge baths until the umbilical cord stump falls off — which might take up to three weeks ||AAP recommends to avoid blankets (a potential suffocation hazard) until your baby reaches her first birthday ||Your baby's foot may seem flat, but that's because a layer of fat covers the arch. Within two to three years, this extra padding will disappear. ||Bathe baby for no more than ten minutes in warm water especially if he shows signs of skin eczema. ||Infants raised on breast milk tend to score higher on tests of mental development than those on formula ||Don't let your baby nap in the car seat after you're home as a substitute for crib since it's harder for young babies to breathe in that position. ||
Energy boosting during office hours


Feeling the urge for a break to refresh and boost your energy? You can surely afford 10 minutes to recharge yourself, no matter how hectic your life might be. You can use a 10-minute break for something more energizing than aimless web surfing. Here are some tips for quick ways to boost energy.

Get some sunshine. If you’re working below artificial light all day, use your 10 minutes to get some sun. First, getting outside can be refreshing. Second, sun exposure also boosts serotonin levels, which can improve mood.

Take the stairs. Going up (and down) stairs for 10 minutes is a great way to get your heart pumping.

Do a crossword. When you’re feeling burned out, focusing on a different sort of mental task for a few minutes can help boost energy.

Stretch yourself. Stretching helps fatigued muscles that have been stuck in one position. You can also stretch at your desk without attracting too much attention.

Try guided imagery. To boost energy, take a virtual vacation while sitting at your desk. Close your eyes and breathe deeply. Then imagine a peaceful place and try to fill it out with detail.

Walk. Try to take a 10-minute walk after lunch to boost your levels of dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin, all of which will give you more energy when you return to work.

Write in a journal. Begin a new one with the intention to write in it only 10 minutes a day. It might feel more doable if you’re not trying to record everything. This may give you a better perspective on your life and job.

Laugh. Laughter’s a proven stress-buster, but studies suggest laughing can boost energy levels, too. Feel free to use this as permission to go on YouTube for the next 10 minutes.

Listen to music. Prepare up with a list of the songs that always seem to psych you up, and then make a mix or playlist of three on your computer or MP3 player. Then you’ve got about 10 minutes worth of refreshing music ready to go when you need it.

Eat chocolate. Flavonoids found in cocoa have been shown to boost cognitive skills and improve mood.

Have a small breakfast to kick-start your metabolism. In case you're too busy, pouring milk on a high fiber cereal just isn’t that time consuming. Neither is smearing cream cheese on whole wheat bread. Protein and calcium are key.

Take a few deep breaths. Deep, yoga breathing from the diaphragm gets blood pumping, which also boosts energy all day long.

Get organized. Use the 10 minutes break to collect yourself, your papers and your digital notes. A cluttered desk can cause stress.




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