By rising the temperature, the body can stop a virus's ability to grow. That's why we get fevers ||2- Breastfeeding your new baby ...Breast milk provides all the nutrients that babies need for the first six months of their life and guards against many illnesses and allergies. Also, breastfeeding can help build a special closeness with your baby. Breastfeeding is one of the best things you can do for your baby. ||Expressing milk should be painless. If it hurts, stop. ||Trim your baby’s nails weekly after a bath when the nails are softened ||Breastfeeding releases Oxytocin which causes contractions of the uterus, helping to stop hemorrhage and initiating weight loss ||Try to develop passions outside of work. Don't define yourself by your job, and have the courage to be imperfect. ||For protecting young children during summer months, apply sunscreen at least 30 minutes before going outside ||Whenever possible, don't get involved in your kids' clash. Step in only if there's a danger of physical harm. ||The most important thing on growth curves is how your baby grows over time. If he's small but growing at the appropriate rate, there's usually no cause for concern. ||After the first hectic weeks, babies take longer naps at predictable times. And you'll become a much better time manager ||
Care Centre of the New born
Your baby is growing. At this age, a baby only needs breast milk.
Breast-fed babies should usually feed about 10-15 minutes at each breast during each feeding. Breast-fed babies may want to nurse as often as every 2 hours. Babies usually wake up at night to feed. This is normal. If your baby wants to feed more often, try a pacifier (not recommended before the age of 6 weeks). Your baby may need to suck but not feed. It is important to hold your baby during feeding. This is a good time to talk to your baby (Try to have eye contact with your baby)
You may need a certified lactation consultant if you face a problem with breast-feeding
Never switch to formula feeding except after your Lactation consultant suggested that for your baby
Babies usually sleep 16 or more hours a day. Healthy babies should be placed in bed on their backs. Sleeping on the back reduces the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).
Most babies will strain to pass bowel movements. As long as the bowel movement is soft, there is no need to worry. Call 2356 if the bowel movements are hard (constipation). Babies usually wet the diaper at least 6 times each day.
·         Never leave the baby alone especially when you are changing diapers except in a crib. For reading about way of diaper changing
Car Safety
·         Car seats are the safest way for babies to travel in cars and are required. Place Infant car seats in a back seat with the infant facing backwards.
·         Never leave your baby alone in a car or unsupervised with young brothers, sisters, or pets.
·         Car seats are used only for the car, never use it for sleeping seat as this may lower the Oxygen level.
Choking and Suffocation
·         If you use a crib for your baby, be sure to pick a safe location. Make sure the sides are always completely up. Use a crib with slats not more than 6 Cm apart. Crib slats more than 6 Cm apart can lead to injury.
·         Place your baby in bed on his back.
·         Chose a baby mattress that is Firm and of appropriate size. For more reading about crib mattress
Immunizations protect your child against several serious, life-threatening diseases. Between birth an 2 weeks of age, your child should have a hepatitis B shot.
Call 2356 if:
·         Your baby develops a fever.
·         Your child is very irritable and you cannot calm him
Home Visit Service

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what are the vaccinations that he should have taken until now?
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Elegantry Mall, Unit 221

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Al Sheikh Zayed

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Al Sheikh Zayed - Entrance 2,Downtown Mall - In-front of Spectra ,First Floor - Clinic 113


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