As a new mommy, sleep when your baby sleeps. Silence your phone and ignore the dishes in the sink ||Never tie a pacifier to your child’s crib or around your child’s neck or hand. This could cause serious injury or even death ||Sleep sacks and sufficient layers of clothing are safe alternatives to blankets for children less than six months of age ||Your toddler may be clumsy simply due to her trials to master so many new physical skills at the same time. The more active she is, the more likely she will drop things, run into things, or fall down. ||Don’t forget to put labels with date and time on your expressed milk bottles to check expiry dates ||It’s never too early to read for your child ||Your baby's foot may seem flat, but that's because a layer of fat covers the arch. Within two to three years, this extra padding will disappear. ||Exclusive breastfeeding for at least 6 months is the best prevention of food allergies ||Don't forget to watch what you say and do around your child: Imitation is one of the ways toddlers learn socially acceptable behavior. ||Colostrum is rich with all what baby needs for the first 2-3 days till the breast begins to produce milk ||
Tips for Applying Sunscreen


Once you've found a product you like, be sure to use it correctly. The American Academy of Dermatology offers these tips for proper application.

Lay it on thick. Most adults need a full ounce of sunscreen to fully cover all exposed areas of skin. An ounce is the amount in a shot glass or enough to fully cover the palm of your cupped hand.

Apply sunscreen before you go into the sun. Sunscreen takes about 15 minutes to absorb into the skin, so put it on before you head outdoors.

Reapply sunscreen. Sunscreen should to be reapplied every 2 hours, even if it has a high SPF. Be sure to put more on immediately after swimming or sweating.

Don't use expired products. Sunscreen loses its effectiveness when it starts to separate, which happens 2 to 3 years after it was made. Toss any products that are expired, or that look gritty or have changed appearance.

Never rely on sunscreen alone. Cover up with sun protective clothing, including a hat with a wide brim and sunglasses. Try to avoid the sun altogether during midday.


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